
Dungeon Masters Screen (1979)

There’s a lot going on in D. A. Trampier’s illustration for the 1979 Dungeon Masters Screen, but it greatly expands on the story depicted on the cover of the Players Handbook (aside: it kills me that the early TSR folks didn’t know how to use apostrophes).

Here’s the devil idol here at a different angle (weirdly lacking its gemstone eyes) and the horde of still-living lizard men who protect it. The wizard and the two gentlemen with swords should also look familiar from yesterday’s post (the fellow on the right looks a bit like one of my old bosses, so extra familiarity for me). Also a pissed off dragon (pissed off at the lizard men, or the adventurers?) and a group of will-o’-the-wisps. Those specters and their lanterns are the stars of the screen for me.  

I’ve included the cover art for the screen as well more for the record than for aesthetics. It is almost startlingly bland, isn’t it? And I kind of love it for that very reason.

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