
AC8: The Revenge of Rusak (1985)

The Revenge of Rusak is probably most notable for being one of several Dungeons & Dragons supplements to include fold-up paper building, standees and heavy cardboard Dragon Tiles (others include the previous module in the story, The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina, the Greyhawk modules Falcon’s Revenge and Falconmaster, the Cities of Mystery box set and probably more I don’t know about). They’re all kind of awesome.

I had this when I was a kid and I am sure I made a mess of it. I remember not taking the time to cut the notches out of the tent fringe. I also remember being kind of fascinated by Rusak’s rainbow robes and the fact that the none of the character standees on the cover are included inside. I admit, I am hard pressed to not cut this up and put it together. It looks like a perfectly fun way to pass an afternoon. Maybe if a replacement wasn’t so damn expensive…

Finally, a weird note. Even though the cover says it was AC3, Revenge of Rusak is AC8. AC3 was the first part, The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina. I’m sure that is interesting to someone…

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