Different Worlds #5

Different Worlds 5 (October/November 1979) has a sweet Bakshi-esque cover from Tom Clark. I like this one a lot.

My Life and Roleplaying is back, with John Snider, a long-time player in Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor campaign, and Scott Bizar, the owner/publisher of Fantasy Games Unlimited (Bunnies & Burrows, Chivalry & Sorcery, Bushido, etc). Also interesting: reprints of newspaper articles about the disappearance (and subsequent reappearance) of James Dallas Egbert from the San Francisco Sunday Examiner and AP.

Gigi leads with gossip that there is already talk of adapting the Egbert story for film, with Tatum O’Neal and Robbie Benson in talks, if you can believe it. Gigi also offers pretty harsh criticism of Arden and Saurians for Chivalry & Sorcery. Then there is this line: “And why is Gary Gygax copyrighting his name?” Also, this sick burn: “The joke around here is that AD&D DMs Guide is what Hamlet was reading when Polonius asked, ‘What are you reading my lord?’” Hamlet’s reply in the play is “Words, words, words.” and the implication is that the book is meaningless nonsense.

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