Different Worlds #6

Different Worlds 6 (December/January 1980) sports a fun cover by Rick Becker, one of many artists in the early days who seems to have done one or two pieces for RPGs then vanished, but who might also be fine art painters now, though I can’t confirm it.

Not much jumping out at me this issue, so let’s just jump to Gigi’s (no longer) hot gos. First off, it has been interesting to watch speculation about The Fantasy Trip unfold over the months. First it was a deluxe $30 box, then a $20 box, now Steve Jackson’s left the company, bought Space Gamer magazine on his way out (for “an arm, a leg and certain other things of value”) and the Fantasy Trip had reached its actual form: four booklets at $5 a pop. There is also speculation that Gygax’s skills as a DM were lacking and a lot of business moves from miniatures makers.

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