Z1 3

Svmmoning Sickness (2014)

Some occult-focused zines this week. First up, Svmmoning Sickness (2014), by that scamp David Hoskins.

This isn’t RPG-related at all, though several RPG books are listed as inspiration. Rather, it is primarily a vehicle for Hoskins’ excellent art. We’ve got witches and demons and black masses, a hand of glory, a selection of flowers for spell components. While the illustrations are ominous and lurid, the text plays it straight, giving the facts of the selected topics in un-sensationalized prose. It rather reminds me of a Daniel Cohen book, just in zine form, with original art and more nudity. Which means it is awesome, pretty much.

My understanding is that these were printed in a small edition and the one Hoskins sent me was the last copy he had on hand. I bet y’all could convince him to reprint it, though [spoilers: Max Moon Games did earlier this year]! Or put out a second volume — this one is labeled volume 1, implying plans to do follow-ups. Where’s my fully illustrated Goetia, David?!

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