
The Malifestro Quest (1983)

The Malifestro Quest is a good deal better than Forces of Krill, I think. Popping cover by Phil Parks, too. He did the cover for the first book as well, but this one is far better, I think. Dell Harris does the interiors, which are a step up from the first book as well, and seem to evoke Jim Holloway in a way I can’t quite put my finger on.

A hero is being held hostage by an evil wizard and the protagonists need to ransom him. There’s one path to success here and again, maybe two dozen endings. These are really on par with the CYOA and Endless Quest books, but with just a hint of something else thanks to their association with the Zork games, so I am not expecting Crown of Kings here. This is probably the Zorkiest of them, humor-wise. Things are pretty silly throughout. Even with the demon. Which, speaking of, bold cover choice with the pentagram during the Satanic Panic, right?

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